Sunday, September 30, 2007

What are we in for?

Hey C.P., I was chatting with Brian Casella of the St. Pete Times last night after the Gators bent over for Auburn, and he said you're known to lead one of the "cooler" groups. I've heard that Frakes gets his group members up really early to head to the track and such. Could you give us an idea what we're in for?

warm cloths

Yo people .. lets use this Blog for some Q & A...This just a heads.Get lots of rest before going up there.. you will sleep very little next weekend.. .. . Also.. it gets cold up there this time of year. please bring some warm cloths and some boots. Its been know to rain and can get really rain gear if you have it.. might not be a bad idea as well. When showing your work to editors.. you that you wont have access to the internet, so burn DVDs or have your work downloaded on your laptop..

Friday, September 21, 2007

Coburn Dukehart, Yellow Team Multimedia Producer .

A bit about Coburn:
Coburn Dukehart recently joined as the first photo and multimedia editor. Prior to joining NPR in June 2007, she spent three-and-a-half years as an online photo editor and multimedia producer at USA TODAY, during which she covered her first Superbowl, first NASCAR race, and first hurricane. She has also worked at, and the White House photo office. She has a master's degree in photojournalism from the University of Missouri, and is a veteran of various photo workshops, but is excited to experience another first – Eddie Adams.

Thanks Jarrett for getting this done.

I will work on a list of who will be at the workshop and post it within a week.

Your team leader and spiritual guild for EAW 2007 CPMcB
Don't be scared, I occasionally refer to him as Buttercup

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hello Yellow Team! This is the first time I have tried managing a blog multiple people submit to. I have some experience with Yahoo Groups, and I'm hoping this system will be just as intuitive. Feel free to contact me at jarrett.baker [at] with questions or comments.